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Goat Stew for tea!

December 12, 2011

We ventured to the Butchers today and managed to order a fresh Turkey for Christmas – not an easy thing to do as it is very likely that you may end up with a fresh Turk! And of course, as we haven’t yet seen the bird, this may still be the case, which could be a problem on Christmas Eve. We have also sourced both a Christmas Pudding and Minced Pies and Lidl in Ierapetra appear to have something that looks like pork sausage meat for the stuffing, so things are looking up, Kids!

The Butcher also had some goat, so I decided to make goat stew for supper tonight and very good it was too – even though I say it myself. For those who recall the goat enterprise at Sunnyside, they will know that serving up goat when the guests thought they were eating lamb, was one of our favourite tricks, so this was trip down memory lane. You may remember the tag “Deeside farmer – leading breeder”!

A marinade made from local olive oil, wine, lemon juice, fresh oregano from the garden and garlic, provided the basics and then I added a variety of fresh veg bought at the Greengrocers this afternoon and of course some more wine to taste. Accompanied by bread from Fufu’s Supermarket and washed down with the local red at 3 Euros per 1.5 litres, I was soon ready to be thrashed by Sheila at Backgammon – not just once but twice!

It all made for a relaxing end to a day when we found ourselves having to explain Cameron and his veto to our hosts, who clearly think the UK is completely potty. Being europhiles, we can but agree but nevertheless it is hard to explain just why Cameron did what he did and how it makes any sense, even for the British. Having not had to show a passport to anyone since leaving Dover; not having been stopped at a border and questioned by rude and abrasive numpties and not having had to change money fr0m one currency to another, it is easy for us to accept that being in the EU and adopting the euro is a sensible way to organise international affairs.

So the EU may be in a stew and the British may be potty but the highlight of our day was the Stew Pot and goat for tea!


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